TO 2030
We have just entered a new decade. The world as we know it — and its peoples — face real challenges.
In 2015, the United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with targets to be achieved by 2030. At their core is the eradication of poverty and hunger. But the agenda is comprehensive: it addresses people, planet, and prosperity.
We have less than 10 years to 2030.
Yes, the clock is ticking.
Global progress this past five years is poor overall and is uneven across regions, as recent report cards show. At current rates, it will take the world another 74 years to achieve the targets.
With a projected population increase of 1 billion by 2030, feeding the world in a sustainable manner is an enormous challenge.
Padang & Co has decided to step up.
In recent years, we have done a lot of work in Food and Agriculture with great partners like Unilever, MUFG, Rabobank, Grow Asia, YARA, and CSIRO, to name a few. These contribute towards Goal 2: by promoting sustainable agriculture, achieving food security, and improving nutrition, we can end hunger. Importantly, Goal 2 has significant connections with many of the other goals.
Since 2012 when we launched UP Singapore with Singapore’s first major hackathon, we have been focused on making Singapore more inclusive, liveable, and sustainable.
We want to ensure that Padang & Co does contribute positively to the achievement of the SDGs. We will relate the specific goals to each project we work on. Realistically, not every project will have a direct connection. But our work will always be viewed through the lens of the SDGs to maintain our focus.
We want SDG conversations to become commonplace.
Our purpose is simple: to encourage everyone we interact or work with to become aware of the 17 SDGs.
We will be reporting here on areas of interest, highlighting successes, and encourage discussion on what’s being done and what's not being done to spur action.
We will be hosting SDG-related events at the innovation spaces we curate: LEVEL3 (with Unilever Foundry), Bright Science & Technology Innovation Hub (with DSM), CATALYST, and BOP (Base of Pyramid) Hub.
Doing good is good business.
Clearly, no one company or even no one country can solve the challenges. We all have our part to play.
We will identify where and how we can collaborate to make a serious impact together. We hope to partner with purpose-led companies over this decade and beyond. Indeed, this is an ongoing commitment.
Let’s start with the now. Think about what you’re doing, what you would like to do, what you’d like to do more of (or less of).
Let’s start a conversation.
Supporting Partner
Padang & Co is the Open Innovation company that catalyses innovation with large corporations, government, startups, and communities to solve big problems and develop opportunities. We nurture communities of interest, and match technology startups with corporations to co-create solutions in ways that are faster and more agile. In doing so, we drive sustainable growth and create a positive impact on people, planet, and prosperity.
Connect with us on LinkedIn.